As the deriding laughter aimed at Texas echoes in from forty-nine states and hundred nations today would indicate, there has been a Cat-5 debacle.
The Mayor of Austin confirmed Wednesday that on November 9th while he was vacationing in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico he recorded a video appealing to Austinites for them to keep their guard up and stay home;
“We need to stay home if you can…We need to keep the numbers down. Now is not the time to relax.”
Showing a real knack for managing to make a bad situation worse - he did this while wearing air pods and posted the video to the worlds #1 social media site for facilitating genocide and allowing tyrants to sway their nation’s democracy.
"I regret this travel. I wouldn’t travel now, didn’t over Thanksgiving and won’t over Christmas. But my fear is that this travel, even having happened during a safer period, could be used by some as justification for risky behavior. In hindsight, and even though it violated no order, it set a bad example for which I apologize."
Despite being a lawyer-politician Mayor Adler opted for some reason to just come right out and admit he fucked up, meekly apologize, and insist to the entire world that it really isn’t as bad as it looks because it was legal. His egregious behavior damages the entire effort to keep people home to contain the spread of covid. Not just in Austin. Not just in Texas. Nationwide. The vacation may not have directly caused deaths but indirectly it certainly will.
When King Gregory decreed executive order GA-28 and usurped the authority of every Mayor, city council, judge, local health official, et. al. from responding in any way to the Covid-19 crisis Mayor Adler was sidelined. Prior to this, Adler was actually doing battle with covid. He cancelled SXSW, issued stay at home orders, and showed people how to make and wear masks. With every legal means of fighting the viral onslaught stolen from him the only weapon remaining at Adler’s disposal was simply leading by example. He knew this, which is exactly why he recorded that appalling facebook video that presumably nobody had even watched until yesterday. To say this was a failure is underselling it real hard. This outshines the Four Seasons Landscaping parking lot presser fiasco. This is an Operation Barbarossa level faceplant.
His hollow apology does not cut it. The good people of Texas have sacrificed the entire year away from friends and family, concerts, games, weddings, funerals, vacations, etc. Our heroic healthcare workers have sacrificed their health, their sanity, and given their lives. Mr. Adler is a public servant. Committing seppuku would hardly atone for this indiscretion. He has brought shame upon all Democrats, Texans, somehow politicians, and possibly even on the concept of authority.
He must do real penance if he wants any hope of redeeming his dignity or salvaging a legacy. He should go down to the hospital tonight and help out every day until he is no longer able. He should go load corpses onto mobile morgues with the inmates in El Paso. Strap on a GoPro so we can all watch him labor while he contracts the virus, sell tickets to the show and give the money to Austin’s shelterless people. Speaking of which Mayor Adler could even… I dunno, perhaps donate some of his abundance of real estate properties or fortune to be developed into housing for the exploding population of shelterless people in Austin. He could go befriend Rafael Cruz and insult his wife so Senator Cruz can once again achieve sexual satisfaction and leave everyone the hell alone on Twitter alone long enough to regurgitate-birth a new clutch of incel goblin eggs.
"There was no recommendation for people not to travel during that period of time. Someone could look at me and say, 'He traveled.' But what they could not say is that I traveled at a time when I was telling other people not to travel."
What in the blue fuck is this? Does he actually think these are mitigating circumstances or that he is going to pull this off? Does he imagine saying “that period of time” distracts from the fact that this occurred 3 weeks ago? Ah yes, the halcyon days of the mid-November covid lull.
Adler has been in politics for 25 years. He should know damned well he isn’t digging himself out of this one. He’ll never be elected to anything again. He’ll be lucky not to be Bastille’d out of office. He needs to get off his ass, go try to sacrifice more than the best of us have, and rectify this absolute farce.